nodegoat Workshop at the Netherlands Institute at Athens

CORE Admin

On Friday, June 15, we gave a nodegoat workshop at the Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA). The organisation of the Workshop was an initiative of Elias Stouraitis (Ionian University).

The 15 participants worked on datasets ranging from historical game analysis to the mapping of archeological sites. A short report on the workshop can be found here.

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New nodegoat Data Publication Module

CORE Admin
Publication of the 'Imagology' project of Joep Leerssen, see this page for more info and a public user interface

Publish your project with the new data publication module. nodegoat users can now select any project to generate a data publication that is web-accessible and downloadable as a ZIP-file. By generating a new publication a Project's data model and all of its data are published and archived. The publication remains accessible also when new publications are generated at a later stage. [....]

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