Launch of METROMOD Archive
CORE AdminThe ERC project 'METROMOD' that runs at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich has recently launched a public user interface for their nodegoat project: [....]
The ERC project 'METROMOD' that runs at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich has recently launched a public user interface for their nodegoat project: [....]
The nodegoat guides have recently been expanded with sections on working with spatial data and on visualising data on any historical map.[....]
The MapModern project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) that uses nodegoat to analyse cross-border literary networks and cultural mediators in the hispanic world between 1908 and 1939, has recently published a dataset on translations and reviews in hispanic modernist journals.[....]
The Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant has written an article on the book version of the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, which was published last April.[....]
The web app of the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe has had a major update. The layout has been streamlined and the interface now has a responsive design.[....]
Together with Susanna de Beer and Amsterdam University Press, LAB1100 has developed an interactive tour guide through Rome: De Vereeuwigde Stad.[....]
The book version of the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe has appeared with Amsterdam University Press.[....]
The Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG) maps and analyses the graduate scholars of the Holy Roman Empire between 1250 and 1550. The work on the Repertorium started in 2001.[....]