Learn how to connect your nodegoat environment to Transkribus and other services

CORE Admin
An example of a document that can be transcribed and ingested into nodegoat.

The nodegoat Guides have been extended with a new section on 'Ingestion Processes'. An Ingestion Process allows you to query an external resource and ingest the returned data in your nodegoat environment. Once the data is stored in nodegoat, it can be used for tagging, referencing, filtering, analysis, and visualisation purposes.[....]

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nodegoat Workshop series on Linked Data organised by the COST Action NEP4DISSENT

CORE Admin

LAB1100 is organising the workshop series ‘Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data’ together with the COST Action NEP4DISSENT. These workshops will help researchers to connect their research data to existing Linked Open Data resources. These connections will ensure that research data remains interoperable and allow for the ingestion of various relevant Linked Open Data resources.[....]

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